Cleaning and COVID-19

Tile pressure cleaning

With everyone staying home and even having to work from home, we are more aware of the state of cleanliness of our homes. The government has reiterated many times that one of the best ways to stop the spread of any virus is quite simply keeping your body and environment clean. At Dynamic Cleaning, we are dedicated to this and can help you.

If you currently are working from home, you can also claim cleaning as a tax write off – check with your accountant but the government has released data today in Australia about claiming household expenses now we are working from home. This is great news!! So now you have no excuse to not clean your windows and gutters and why not get some pressure washing done too. Get rid of all that lingering red dirt and create a beautiful area that you can proudly show off, once the restrictions have lifted of course.

At Dynamic Cleaning we can help you keep your house clean and germ free, so call us today

Call Dynamic Cleaning for a FREE quote today