Solar Power time

Dirty Solar Panels

Now that the sun is hitting us hard again, it’s time to clean off that persistent red dust and fire up the solar panels.

Solar panels can lose around 20% of their efficiency if they are covered in dirt (per the Solar Energy Power Association) and let’s face it, dirt has become part of the rain in Melbourne these days! Dirt also has a tendency to attract more dirt, which is why you get build ups.

One way you can make your solar panels work more effectively and last longer is to have them regularly cleaned. At Dynamic Cleaning, we use water-fed poles to access even those tricky to reach panels.

Often people don’t think twice about their solar panels once they are installed, until something goes wrong. But having them cleaned annually (or more often if required) ensures the investment you made remains an investment and not a liability.

At Dynamic Cleaning, we can make your solar panels sparkle and help them do what they do best – create power.

Call Dynamic Cleaning for a FREE quote today