About Us

Nigel and Eve started Dynamic Cleaning Victoria in 2012. Nigel had been window cleaning since before they were married and, after years of Eve harassing Nigel to start out on his own, Dynamic Cleaning was finally born.

Nigel is known for his gentle, kind nature; Eve, not so much. Eve however, is super friendly and runs the business like a tight ship, keeping Nigel up a ladder as much as possible.

Their 2 children, Tash and Ethan, are now 16 and 13. Tash loves netball (and is pretty damn good, from a completely unbiased opinion!) and Ethan regularly goes to gym to build up his 13 year old body into the Hulk (and with his size 14 feet we wont be surprised when he starts ripping his shirt off). They have helped putting pieces of promo out into letterboxes but neither seems to be interested in the cleaning industry…