Spring Cleaning


The warmer weather is starting to set in and the sunshine is lasting longer, so now is the perfect time to get your house spring cleaned. At Dynamic Cleaning, we can clean your windows, gutters and those difficult-to-reach areas (such as chandeliers) with no problem at all.

Why would I get my windows cleaned when it is still raining?

People sometimes put off having their windows cleaned because of rain. They think the rain will make their windows dirty but in actual fact, the rain isn’t what makes your windows look dirty. It is the dust and dirt in the air. And if your windows are dirty, the rain will make the dirt streak down your glass and leave your windows muddy. If your windows are cleaned, then the rain washes straight off and the glass will still look clean.

When my windows are cleaned, should I get my frames and screens done too?

Any window cleaner should always clean the frames and screens. This removes dust that accumulates on them and should always be done as part of the clean. If your cleaner doesn’t do this, ask them to. It should be part of the service.

How many times a year should I get my windows cleaned?

As a general rule, we suggest to our customers to get them cleaned twice. This keeps the dust and mold from forming spores. Some clients prefer to have their windows done more regularly too, especially if they have pets or young children. It really depends on what your preferences are and how dusty and dirty your windows get.

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Why should I get my windows cleaned by a Professional?

People sometimes ask “Why would someone pay to have something done that they can do themselves?” And it’s true, most people could clean their own windows. But they usually don’t. We have so little time in our busy lives and cleaning our own windows isn’t often a priority.

Besides making your home look and feel cleaner, there are many reasons to have your windows washed by a professional cleaner. We will look at some of them but in the end, it really is something you need to decide for yourself. Of course a window cleaner will tell you it’s something that must be done (and probably more often than is truly necessary) but here we will just look at the benefits to having your windows cleaned.

You will have more time.

Window Cleaning can take several hours and, let’s face it, we don’t always have that much time on our weekends to spend doing something a professional can do in half the time. Window cleaners often have it done to an art and can clean your windows while you get on with more important things.

Window cleaners have the right gear.

Professional window cleaners have the right gear to get the best result. They also know things like how often you have to change the blade (that’s the rubber bit on a squeegee) to get a perfect clean. Another thing most cleaners know is what not to use on certain types of glass so they are not scratched or damaged by chemical. You could use the olden-days technique of using wet and dry newspaper, but no one really has newspaper anymore and also see first point above…

Window cleaners can get it done safely.

Often window cleaning requires working at heights and a professional window cleaner knows how to access those tricky spots. Whether there is a bush in the way or hard-to-reach glass, window cleaning can sometimes be a test of ones problem solving skills. Professional window cleaners come across these situations all the time and even enjoy the challenge.

Having clean windows has health benefits.

Dust collects on and around windows. And mold can grow in this dust, which is especially true in rooms that get damp – such as the kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Even bedrooms can get damp with all that breathing going on. The water in the air condenses on the windows, mixes with the dust and voilĂ  – mold. Having the windows and fly-screens cleaned regularly keeps your home free of dust and therefore mold and this reduces respiratory problems, especially in the young and the old.

It looks and feels good.

Having clean windows allows the natural light to come in and it looks great. You can definitely feel the difference when the windows are cleaned and this is often the most popular reason why people get their windows cleaned.

At Dynamic Cleaning, we have been up a ladder cleaning windows in the Eastern suburbs for many years and we would love the chance to help keep your windows clean too.

Call Dynamic Cleaning for a FREE quote today